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Suggestions That Only Take Two Minutes and Will Result In a Healthier You

Image for Suggestions That Only Take Two Minutes and Will Result In a Healthier You

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can seem like a daunting task, especially if you’re just getting started on the road to a healthier and happier existence. While it might be tempting to immediately jump into a new exercise routine, toss every unhealthy item in your fridge, and give up Netflix for meditation time, odds are, you’ll have more success getting healthier if you chip away at your unhealthy habits over time, instead of jumping too quickly into a whole new lifestyle. So, what better day to put these quick, two-minute health hacks to use than World Health Day? Read on to discover 3 health-boosting things you can do right now.

Take a minute to move.

Our bodies crave movement – and, not just at one time, like during your morning workout. While dedicating any amount of time to move is a good way to get healthier, focusing your energy on consistent movements throughout the day is better. To increase your longevity, improve circulation, burn more calories, and boost energy levels, get in the habit of moving every half hour or so. Even if you take a short and leisurely walk during this time, it’s still better than sitting down.

Apply sunscreen.

Did you know that one in five Americans will develop skin cancer by the age of 70? These statistics are scary, but luckily, prevention can greatly reduce your chances of developing this sometimes-deadly condition. Using sunscreen with SPF 15 every day can go a long way in protecting your skin. Look for a sunscreen with the mineral zinc oxide for UVA protection, and if you’re planning on being outside for more than 2 hours, opt for a broad-spectrum, SPF 30 sunscreen that's sweat- and water-resistant.

Practice gratitude.

Feeling immense pressure to make more money, collect more friends, travel to more exotic places, and achieve more in your career? While there’s nothing wrong with striving for greatness, you must admit that all of these modern-day pressures can make us feel overwhelmed and depressed. Expressing gratitude is a great remedy. Recognizing the good you already have in your life helps you see your life in a “big picture” way. So, jot down what you’re grateful for in a journal, or try writing affirmations.

Looking for must-know information about health, finances, and family life? End your search with this blog, delivered to you by the team at Oxford at Sonterra Apartments in San Antonio, Texas.

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